Green’s Dictionary of Slang

plot n.

[SE plot (of land)]

(UK Und.) the place where street-sellers or confidence tricksters operate, e.g. the street, an alley or a doorway.

[UK]D. Powis Signs of Crime 197: Plot. Card sharps’ term for the venue in the street or on waste land where illegal gaming can and often does take place. A three-card trick card sharp’s pitch.

In phrases

plot up (v.) (UK Und.)

of an individual or group, to make a base (cf. plot up v.).

[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 4: It gives me [...] the pick of some very creamy gaffs to plot up in for six months at a time.
[UK]N. ‘Razor’ Smith Raiders 7: Plain-clothes employees who would plot up and watch for anyone suspicious.