Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fountain (of love) n.

also fountain of Venus

1. the vagina.

[UK]Shakespeare Venus and Adonis line 234: Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.
[UK]T. Heywood Oenone and Paris stanza 77: Bathe in this fountaine here a while to sport thee, Thy milke-white skinne, the pebbles shall not marke, Twixt them and thee Ile lye me, least they hurt thee.
[UK]J. Cotgrave ‘From a Gentleman to his Mistress’ Wits Interpreter (1671) 174: Of polisht Ivory is thy Globe-like belly, [...] And under that same snowy swelling mountain, Coverd with moss, doth stand a milky Fountain.
[Ire]Head Canting Academy 181: The Fountain of Love and delight.
[US]Behn Disappointment VI 179: That Fountain where Delight still flows, And gives the Universal World Repose.
[UK]J. Shirley Triumph of Wit 61: His daring hand that Altar seiz’d [...] The living Fountain, from whose trills / The melted Soul in balmy Love distills.
[UK] ‘Young-Mans Answer’ Pepys Ballads (1987) V 246: For your Fountain ... Ile put in pritty Fishes there, will please you wondrous well.
‘Philogynes Clitorides’ Frutex Vulvaria 17: Some learned Criticks contend that it should be call’d Fons Vitae, because it is the Fountain from whence all Mankind first sprang.
[UK]Harris’s List of Covent-Garden Ladies 55: Her fountain, whence flows the impending flood (sometimes like chrystal, and sometimes like amber) is edged with delicate moss.
[UK]Bacchanalian Mag. 15: It dwells in a valley by moss circled round / And tho’ ever plumb’d no bottom’s e’er found / [...] / ’Tis a spring of such sweets e’en stoics approve, / When they dip in the fountain of Venus and Love.
[UK] ‘Farewell to Sal’s Fountain’ Cuckold’s Nest 33: My Sal’s little fountain / Is so plump and stout, / With scarce any room / For the stream to run out.
[UK]Peeping Tom (London) 1 2/2: Within this little asnug retreat / A cooling fountain plays; / Here Venus did Narcissus treat/ And spend their youthful days.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Farmer Vocabula Amatoria (1966) 134: Fontaine, f. The female pudendum; ‘the fountain of love’.

2. the (ejaculating) penis.

[UK]‘Gentleman’s Wig’ in Hilaria 87: ’Twas the jasey provoking, — sirs, mark what I say, — / Made his fountain of love in love’s bason [i.e. basin] to play.