Green’s Dictionary of Slang

greedy-gut n.

also greedy-guts, greedy gutz
[US use is 19C+]

1. a glutton, a selfish person; thus greedy-gutted adj., gluttonous, selfish.

[UK]J. Heywood Proverbs I Ch. xi: They be bothe greedy guts all given to get, / They care not how.
[UK]G. Gascoigne (trans.) Supposes II iv: Ah greedy gut, art thou afeared thou shalt want?
[UK]Trial of Treasure Biii: Now welcome in faith, and good Gredy gutte also.
[UK]Tyde taryeth no Man in Collier (1863) II 16: The preacher brake out with reproacheable talke [...] Some of vs, he sayeth, are greedy guttes all.
[UK]A. Saker Narbonus 6: [I]f I steale any thing to sustein my pining paūche or filch ought to gorge my gréedy gut, death thē is my due.
[UK]The schoole of good manners n.p.: If thou séest one cutting meate that thou likest, it is ill manners for thée to offer thy trencher before he make any offer thereof to thée: for thou shouldst so bee iudged a lickorish gréedy gut.
[UK]R. Allott Englands Parnassus 112: O glutton throates, O greedie guts profound, / The chosen meates which in the world his bound, / By th’ Abderois inuented, may not stanch / Nor satisfie your foule deuouring panch.
[UK]T. Goodwin Romanæ historiæ anthologia 61: [A] glutton, or greedy-gut, which can not abstaine from his meat til grace be said.
[UK]Enchiridion 3: Applied to them who deuoure their meat greedily, such we call a greedy gut.
[UK]J. Taylor A iuniper lecture 31: [T]houart [sic] a greedy gut; Francis is your name, doe you remember how you fild your Guts so full of Furmatry that day you [...] were ready to bust.
[UK]Horn & Robotham (trans.) Gate of Languages Unlocked Ch. 84 820: A greedygut (eat-all, gutlin) and gormandizer, by ravening (gobling up) and tipling (swilling), glutteth (crammeth) and over-gorgeth himself.
[UK]J. Trapp A commentary or exposition 197: Bread thou hadst enough and to spare: but, like a greedy-gut Pamphagus, thou wouldst part with none, though it were to save the life [...] of thy fellow-friend.
H. Marten [F]amiliar letters to his lady of delight 75: My service to the green Man, and my duty to the Ladies, and not a bit of love to thee, for thou hast got it all already, greedy-gut.
[UK]Poor Robin’s Almanac q. in Liverpool Dly Post 25 Feb. 9/4: Pancakes are eat by greedy-gut / And Hob and Madge run for the slut.
[UK]C. Ness The Devils patriarck 43: Gape wide as the Greedy-gut once did, (in his Eating a Fish Dinner) who swallowed down Bones and all.
J. Dunton A voyage round the world 118: W]hen his poor old Father came to his House [...] and seeing the old Man about to come in (a greedy-gut Bastard as he was for his pains,) [...] persuades his Father they had nothing for Dinner but Rack-staves.
[UK]E. Hickeringill Priest-Craft II 44: Give us then, at least, what once belonged to the Clergy [...] says, greedy Guts!
[UK]Coles Eng. Dict. [F&H].
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue ms. additions n.p.: Greedy Guts. a Covetous or Voracious person.
[UK]Grose Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue (2nd, 3rd edn).
[UK]Lex. Balatronicum.
[Aus]Examiner 8 Aug. 10/2: Glutton, Gourmandizer, Greedygut, Bellygod.
[UK]Devizes & Wilts Gaz. 18 July 4/4: Put on the pot, says Greedy-guy, / we’ll sup before we go.
[UK]‘Jon Bee’ Dict. of the Turf, the Ring, the Chase, etc. 92: Guts — ‘Greedy-guts,’ who will eat all the world up.
[US]A. Greene Life and Adventures of Dr Dodimus Duckworth I 89: Gray-eye, greedy-gut, eat all the world up!
[UK]Northampton Mercury 22 July 2/4: The chief servant [...] the incarnation of ‘Greedy-gut’ [...] biting off the ends of the rolls and cakes.
‘Three Wishes’ Story Teller 12: Plague on your greedy guts with your black pudding!
[UK] ‘Miss Coote’s Confession’ in Pearl 4 Oct. 8: Listen to Grey Eyes Greedy Guts, you’d think none of us ever played with the Van Tromp.
[UK]Western Times 28 May 2/4: Gooble-gut — a greedy person, sometimes greedy-guts.
[UK]E. Pugh Tony Drum 17: ‘Give us a bit, Billy,’ said Tony. ‘Shan’t,’ said Billy. ‘All right, greedy guts,’ said Tony.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 10 Dec. 16/1: He’s the noted greedy guts of the town.
[Ire]P.W. Joyce Eng. As We Speak It In Ireland.
[US]Mencken letter 15 Dec. in Riggio Dreiser-Mencken Letters II (1986) 422: Greedy-gut!
[UK]M. Forrest Hibiscus Heart 114: I expect you’re eating all the conversation lollies [...] Greedy-guts — greedy guts.
[UK](con. 1912) B. Marshall George Brown’s Schooldays 23: That stinking greedy gutz Henson.
[UK]I. & P. Opie Lore and Lang. of Schoolchildren (1977) 187: They ask a greedy-guts (‘gutsy’ for short) ‘Do you eat to live or live to eat?’.
[UK]B. Kops Dream of Peter Mann Act II: We worry ourselves sick and greedy-guts in there guzzles himself sick.
[Aus]K. Gilbert Cherry Pickers I i: I ate nothing — you greedy gutted little thing! [...] You always steal me bit of damper an’ that you greedy guts gerl!
[UK]Barltrop & Wolveridge Muvver Tongue 90: He may also be called [...] ‘greedy-guts’.
[UK]S. Armitage ‘The Cup’ CloudCuckooLand 78: Greedy-guts here put it to his lips.
[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 90: Must be some designer, Tommy Fullfigure by the looks of them two greedyguts.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[US]Z.N. Hurston Seraph on the Suwanee (1995) 825: Them greedy-gut devils had done et up all the feed.
[Aus]K. Gilbert Cherry Pickers I i: I ate nothing — you greedy gutted little thing! [...] You always steal me bit of damper an’ that you greedy guts gerl!