Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gut v.2

[gut n. (2a)]

1. (US) to display one’s courage.

[US]H. McCoy Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye in Four Novels (1983) 177: All right, sister [...] you go right ahead and out-gut me. You’ll get fat trying to out-gut me.
[US]J. Giardello in Heller In This Corner (1974) 402: I think he was yellow [...] if you out-gutted him and showed him who was boss.

2. (US black) to punch in the stomach; lit. and fig. use.

[US]C. Brown Manchild in the Promised Land (1969) 146: He wouldn’t throw up his hands, so K.B. gutted him and dropped him.
[US]P. Hamill Dirty Laundry 38: Off the record, we’ve been gutted.
[US]T. Harris Silence of the Lambs (1991) 6: He gutted Will with a linoleum knife.
[US]R. Shell Iced 248: The answer gutted me. Knocked the air from my lungs. Threw me on my knees.

In phrases

gut for (v.)

(Irish) to be desperate for.

[Ire]P. Howard The Joy (2015) [ebook] I’m gutting for a smoke and I go into the first newsagents I can find to get forty blue.
gut (it) out (v.)

(US) to be strong, tough, display personal courage in the face of adversity.

[US]K. Kesey Sometimes a Great Notion 373: Are you scared to gut it out, Floyd?
[US]J. Bouton Ball Four 26: Those. were the days when I gutsed it, so I jumped right up and said I wanted to pitch.
[US](con. 1969–70) D. Bodey F.N.G. (1988) 277: All we can do is gut it out and hope them lucky beads of yours keep the odds even.
[US]B. Hamper Rivethead (1992) 91: Al started payin’ me all this lip service about ‘someday in the future’ and ‘guttin’ it out.’.
[US]N.Y. Times 7 June C2: I had to gut out the head wind up the hill because I knew I would have a tail wind all the way into town [HDAS].
R. Sullivan LAbyrinth 10: Would you quit if you got cramps while you were running, or would you grind it out, cry it out, gut it out.
[US]D. Winslow The Force [ebook] She’s got no choice [...] and she guts it out.
outgut (v.)

(US) to surpass a rival in courage and aggression.

[US]D. Jenkins Semi-Tough 65: Shoat’s idea for the second half was for Hose Manning to throw a couple of new patterns [...] then ‘outgut’ the Redskins in the last quarter.