Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Tuckahoe n.

(US) an inhabitant of Virginia.

[US]J.K. Paulding Westward Ho! I 11: Colonel Dangerfield, was a Virginian gentleman – a regular Tuckahoe.
[US]Bartlett Dict. Americanisms (4th edn) 722: The term tuckahoe is often applied to an inhabitant of Lower Virginia, and to the poor land in that portion of the State.
[US]Christian Science Monitor 25 Apr. 8/2: A Tuckahoe is a Virginian [DA].
[US]D. Shulman ‘Nicknames of States and Their Inhabitants’ in AS XXVII:3 183: The following nicknames may be included with those given by Mencken: Pennemites for Pennsylvanians, Tuckahoes for Virginians, and Corn Crackers for Tennesseans.