Green’s Dictionary of Slang

how about that (then)? phr.

also how’s about that (shit)?

an interrog. phr. calling for agreement that something is worthy of praise or approval.

[UK]J. Curtis You’re in the Racket, Too 42: How’s about that for an idea?
[US]P. Thomas Down These Mean Streets (1970) 13: A few weeks later Poppa got a job in an airplane factory. ‘How about that?’ he said happily.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Oct. 6: how about that (it) – expression substituted for saying ‘My goodness’ or ‘You’re kidding?’.
A. Swofford (con. 1990) Jarhead 16: ‘I finds out later my dad talked to the judge the night before and set the whole thing up. How ‘bout that shit?’.