Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hen tracks n.

(US) illegible handwriting; also attrib.

Arthur’s Home Mag. Jan.-June 446/2: There couldn’t be a man in Worcester read your old hen tracks.
Student & Schoolmate XX:1 5: ‘Will you write to me , Dick?’ ‘My writin’ would look like hen’s tracks,’ said our hero.
Hailing’s Circular n.d. 17/3: Who does he hold the Paper so close to his Eyes. Because the Correspondent that wrote it makes Hen Tracks.
[UK]S.G. Huftalen Diary 17 Mar. in Bunkers Diaries of Girls & Women (2001) 48: I am perfectly ashamed of my journal there are so many blobs and goose tracks (or as pa calls them hen tracks) all the way through .
[UK]Manchester Courier 26 May 7/2: He can’t read the hen tracks.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 21 Feb. 13/1: ‘What do you think of my handwriting, and would you advise me to change it?’ […] Think you should employ another hen to scratch for you.
[US]Roanoke Times (VA) 11 Jan. 4/5: Without thinking I put the old hen-track signatire to them.
[US]Hawaiian Star (Honolulu) 5 Feb. 4/5: A telegram written in Russian or hen track Turkish paralyzes the Morse alphabet until it is translated.
[Scot]Dundee Courier 20 Sept. 7/2: How about the hen tracks— excuse me, I meant to say these hieroglyphics.
[US]NY Tribune 19 May 12/1: A Reader of ‘Hen Tracks’ [...][ one woman in Washington has a special knack of deciphering the less intelligent marks which serve often as addresses on envelopes.
[US]Goodwin’s Wkly (Salt Lake City, UT) 13 July 12/1: Slowly, the page began to fill with crazily-fashioned words looking like so many hen tracks.
[A.L. Lavine Circuits of Victory 522: There is a story about Horace Greely, whose wretched handwriting was proverbial, to the effect that a hen wandered into his editorial office one day in his absence, and, upsetting a bottle of ink, left her inky hen tracks over several sheets of blank paper].
[US] et seq. in DARE.
[US] in DARE.

In phrases

knock off hen tracks on a rolling piano (v.) [? typewriters were usu. reserved for business use]

(US black) to use a typewriter to compose a personal letter.

[US]D. Burley N.Y. Amsterdam News 9 Oct. 20: I had a mellow slave, knocking of hen tracks on a rolltop piano.