Green’s Dictionary of Slang

artichoke n.2

[rhy. sl. = bloke n. (3)]

(orig. Aus.) a man.

[Aus]Mail (Adelaide) 12 Aug. 11/2: ‘Toodle-ooh, old artichoke’.
[Aus]Sun. Mail (Brisbane) 10 Dec 3S/1: ‘Just because I has a special reason for soldiering on [...] is no reason for these artichokes and Charlies Wheelers to gape at me,’ says Mick.
G. Seal Dog’s Eye and Dead Horse 31: artichoke - bloke, meaning man. Mid-20th century. Melbourne?
A.S. Cowen Down to the Dregs 157: ‘Listen, old artichoke, I’ve got a plan to lay before you and I’d be grateful if you would give it your urgent consideration’.