Green’s Dictionary of Slang

parallel parking n.

(orig. US preppie/campus) sexual intercourse; thus parallel park v.

[US]Z-Link 30 Oct.–1 Nov. 🌐 Parallel parking inside and out.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 7: parallel park – have sex.
[UK]K. Lette Mad Cows 119: You’re parallel parking [...] A team cream. You’re having a bloody affair!
[US]Vocabula Rev. Jul. 4 No. 7 🌐 There are many jocular noun constructions that also provide the same meaning, and range in acceptability, although none of them has the versatility of their one-word equivalents: ‘Ugandan affairs,’ ‘country matters,’ ‘parallel parking,’ [...] as the allusion retreats from sex and approaches humor, it becomes more acceptable.