Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tuck in v.

also tuck into
[SE tuck in, in the sense of ‘put away’]

to eat, or drink, heartily or greedily.

[UK]‘An Amateur’ Real Life in London I 316: He knew the trick, and was up the moment the chap came into the Cock and Hen Club, where he was tucking in his grub and bub.
[Aus]Sydney Gaz. 30 Oct. 4/1: It would do your heart good, Mister Editor, to see hoqw Bill tucks in.
[UK]Vidocq Memoirs (trans. W. McGinn) III 64: You peg away [...] as if you would crash your ivories (teeth;) one would think that you were tucking in at a regular spread.
[UK] ‘A Blow-Out for Breakfast’ in Ri-tum Ti-tum Songster 43: His lordship to the barracks goes, / Tells the colonel all his woes / About the soldier’s dirty wit, / And how they made him tuck in s--t.
[US]T. Haliburton Clockmaker III 36: If he and them gals didn’t tuck in the wine in great style it is a pity, that’s all.
[UK]Morn. Post 30 Mar. 3/1: I wish I had a piece of pork, [...] I’d tuck it in, ’twould blow me out.
[UK]Bury & Norwich Post 15 May 2/6: Florence was singing and playing the fool and tucking into tarts.
[UK]Besant & Rice Golden Butterfly II1 197: They gave themselves unreservedly and from the very first to ‘tucking in.’.
[UK]G. du Maurier Trilby 135: Tuck in as big a supper as you possibly can.
[UK]Boy’s Own Paper 8 Dec. 148: While we were there, tucking into tarts and sausage rolls.
[UK]Gem 30 Sept. 13: Perhaps he’s eating sandwiches, or tucking in at a lunch-basket.
[UK]E.F. Benson Queen Lucia (1984) 166: I had an excellent supper [...] and I enjoyed it very much. Besides, I saw Pepino tucking in like anything.
[UK]M. Harrison Reported Safe Arrival 94: Well, w’en we done prayin’ we tucks in.
[UK]Wodehouse Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit 72: Those lunches and dinners of Anatole’s [...] tucking into them all this time.
[UK]‘Frank Richards’ Billy Bunter at Butlins 9: You chaps tuck into those cherries.
[UK]A. Sillitoe Start in Life (1979) 69: She didn’t tuck in as heartily as I’d hoped.
[UK]Observer Mag. 24 Feb. 14: The happy couples around us tucking into boeuf en croute farci.
[Scot]Desperate Dan Special No. 7 32: Tuck in, Dan.
[UK]Observer Mag. 11 July 53: I couldn’t face tucking into a huge lump of meat.
[UK]Guardian Weekend 8 Jan. 53: The 500 faithful meet, greet, chat and tuck-in.