Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tit-fuck v.

also titty-fuck
[tit fuck n.]

of a man, to have intercourse or masturbate between the breasts; also used of a woman, to perform intercourse in this way; thus tit-fucking n.

Anon. 🌐 A second large tentacle burrowed in between her breasts. The two claws mashed her large titties together and the tentacle began to titty-fuck Ninika.
[UK]M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 84: Mincey started stabbing away, giving the breathless girl a serious titfucking.
[US]Sandmann ‘Burning Down the House’ Planet Sex Stories 🌐 I tit fucked each one until I could sense they were about to blow their sticky wad.
[US]N. Walker Cherry 194: I titty-fucked her [...] . She said, ‘Do you mind not hitting me in the face with your cock’.