twang v.2
(UK black) to persuade, to sweet-talk.
[ | Way to Get Married Inchbold (1808) XXV 12: As they had plucked me of the last feather, I got up, and, in imitation of my betters, twang’d off a few dam’mes, and retired.]. | |
(con. 1940s) Jamaica Labrish 92: Him noh even get him ticket / But yuh want fe hear him twang! | ‘Recruit’|| 🌐 I can talk my way out of things. I twanged – twanged means to try and persuade someone – my way out, make them think maybe they shouldn’t [have a kid], regardless of if they really want it. I, like, twisted their minds around. | in Vice Mag. at||
Forensic Linguistic Databank 🌐 Twang - smooth-talk, persuade by flattery. | (ed.) ‘Drill Slang Glossary’ at