Green’s Dictionary of Slang

lolly scramble n.

[SNZE lolly scramble, the tossing of a handful of lollies, i.e. sweets, for children to grab]

(N.Z.) an undignified struggle, for money, power, influence, fame etc.; also attrib.

[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 70/1: lolly scramble children rucking for sweets – any unseemly pursuit of power, often applied to political promises at election time.
Scoop Parliament 🌐 This is a lolly-scramble Budget. Michael Cullen has doled out the cash but has provided no clear policy direction. His Budget is a ‘False Start’. The difficulty with this lolly scramble is that it’s New Zealand householders and New Zealand businesses who are paying for it.