sufferer n.1
1. a tailor; thus who suffers?, the question: ‘who is your tailor?’.
John Bull II ii: Mine’s but a mere façon de parler: just as we talk to one another about our coats:—we never say, ‘Who’s your tailor?’ We always ask, ‘Who suffers?’. | ||
Tom and Jerry; A Musical Extravaganza I iv: I want to send you to Mr. Primefit, the sufferer. | ||
Modern Flash Dict. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open. | ||
, | Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. | |
, , | Sl. Dict. | |
Australasian (Melbourne) 21 July 4/4: Some slang terms are perceived to have a comic foundation in truth, as in the Oxford name for a tailor, ‘a sufferer’. |
2. (Aus.) the loser in a game.
Aus. Sl. Dict. 82: Sufferer, the looser [sic] in any game. |