Green’s Dictionary of Slang

horned adj.

cuckolded, pertaining to cuckoldry or adultery.

[UK]T. Buckley ‘Libel of Oxford’ in May & Bryson Verse Libel 314: And horned Hammon will not see, / [...] / His copsmate now again is free, / And runnes againe her wonted race.
[UK]Urquhart (trans.) Rabelais III 46: If you marry, you will surely be one of the horned Brotherhood of Vulcan.
[UK]Fumblers-Hall 5: Come you brave Artists of the Horned trade / That boast how many marr’d how many made.
E. Settle The world in the moon 17: Jac. By this good Night, I’ll [i.e. the young wife] make him that tame horn’d Beast, that he shall lock the Door, hold the Candle, and light us to Bed.
‘Fortune’s Bounty’ in N. Ward Poems on Divers Subjects (1706) 252: And to the place of Rendezvous, / For every Horn’d unhappy Spouse.
[UK]R. King New London Spy 130: [A] poor hen-pecked horned husband.
[UK]Sporting Mag. Nov. IX 99/1: From the number of elopements [...] of suits in the ecclesiastical courts, and bills of divorce, we may call this a horned age.
[UK]W. Combe Doctor Syntax, Consolation (1868) 201/1: Horned honours deck his brow.
[UK]Satirist (London) 8 Jan. 11/3: The establishment of a new market for horned cattle has created quite a sensation among the wives and husbands of the town.
[UK]Peeping Tom (London) 25 100/2: ‘But, madam [...] have you no horned beasts?’ ‘Oh sir [...] you must wait till my husband returns’.
[UK]A. Binstead More Gal’s Gossip 43: She fraternises with such horned cattle as the Monico masher.