Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Swiss adj.


1. (US teen) neutral, of no specific opinion.

[US]G. Sculatti Catalog of Cool 🌐 Swiss (adj.): Neutral. Having no opinion or preference. [...] ‘I don’t care where we go tonight. Dinner? Flicks? I’m totally Swiss.’.

2. unimpressive, second-rate.

[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 98 Oct. 27: Swiss adj. Completely useless. As in ‘I have just seen the new Star Wars film. The special effects are the pants, but the plot itself is fucking swiss.’ (Jean-Luc Godard in ‘Cahiers du Cinema’).

In compounds

Swiss hit (n.) [the Swiss-born valet, François Benjamin Courvoisier, who cut his master Lord William Russell’s throat; for which crime he was hanged in 1840]

a blow with a knife.

London Eve. Stanadard 7 Dec. 4/4: Lee attempted to get out his knife, it having been suggested by some one in the crowd that he should give the constable a ‘Swiss hit.’ This, it appears, is a newly-coined slang phrase, derived from the murder committed some time since by the foreigner Courvoisier.
Swiss itch (n.)

see separate entry.