Green’s Dictionary of Slang

muhfuh n.

also muhfuck, muh-fuh
[US black pron.]

a synon. for motherfucker n.

[UK]B. Beckham My Main Mother 147: Where you muh fuhs from? [Ibid.] 148: We’re badder than all of those jivetime, pussy muh fuhs.
[US]T. Weesner Car Thief (1973) 104: Watchouttamawaymuhfuck — stompmuhfuckinassman!
[US]Village Voice (N.Y.) 11 July 23: I had a .22 in my bag because I was headed for the New Lots and them muh-fuhs are superbad.
[US]H. Gould Fort Apache, The Bronx 87: Hey muh fuh, I ain’t no junkie.
[US]S. King Dreamcatcher 460: That’s mine, muhfuh.