Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hoha adj.

[synon. Maori]

(N.Z.) irritated, tetchy, ‘fed up’.

Grace in N.Z. Short Stories III (1975) 186: What a waste of a good house for those two nuisance things. I hope when I have kids they won’t be so hoha [DNZE].
[NZ]N. Hilliard Glory and The Dream 190: ‘Why didn’t Tuku come for it?’ ‘How do I know? too hoha I suppose.’.
B. Mitcalfe Hey Hey Hey 82: Riki [...] was tripping and pushing [...] ‘Why you so hoha!’ said Gary, mildly, when Riki punched him on the arm [DNZE].
[UK]Listener (NZ) 1 Oct. 109: I was gettin’ a bit hoha with the shivery yodel-tin’ sobs they was both makin’ [DNZE].