Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mizzled adj.

[? SE mizmaze, a state of confusion]


[UK]P. Stubbes Anatomie of Abuses 47: Then their bodies beeyng satisfied, and ther heades preely mizzeled with wine, thei walke abroade for a time.
[UK]H. Porter Two Angry Women of Abington D3: Bloud, what though that honest Hodge haue cut his finger heere? or as some say, cut a feather? what though he be mump, misled, blind.
[UK]Marryat Poor Jack 366: I’ve been thinking of lowering the quarter boat down, when they are a little more mizzled; they are getting on pretty fast, for Frenchmen haven’t the heads for drinking that Englishmen have.
[UK]J. Manchon Le Slang.