Green’s Dictionary of Slang

slimy adj.

[SE slime]

1. deceitful, repellent, contemptible.

[UK]Wild Boys of London I 6/1: We calls Pug the moocher ’cos he fakes all the slimy dodges, don’t yer know.
P. Morris [trans.] Bernanos Diary of a Country Priest 234: ‘I’m jealous, see, jealous as a cat [...] An’ you be careful o’ the others too! They're a slimy lot’.
[US]Heggen & Logan Mister Roberts I i: Why, you slimy, lying son-of-a-bitch!
[US]B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 263: You haven’t ever been slimy around me before. Being tricky-devious on me.
[Aus]B. Ellem Doing Time app. C 243: I don’t like people if they’re slimy. And people that get around [...] big-noting themselves, and trying to be big-time.
[US]M. McAlary Good Cop Bad Cop 80: Even cops in the city’s most rough-and-tumble precinct—the 75th—think Michael Dowd is too slimy to be a cop.

2. (US black/campus) very unattractive.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 7: slimy – unattractive, applied to member of opposite sex: That slimy guy in my math class called me again.
[US]Ebonics Primer at 🌐 slimy Definition: a female who is very ugly. Example: That bitch Kashawna is slimy.