Green’s Dictionary of Slang

danged adv.

[danged adj.]

(US) a euph. for damned adj.

[UK]J. Greenwood Low-Life Deeps 18: It’s danged hard if the dawg can’t carry home her own meat.
[US]G. Milburn ‘Down in the Mohawk Valley’ Hobo’s Hornbook 49: But Nell was danged perticuler.
[US]B. Conlon ‘Rope Meat’ Wild West Weekly 22 Oct. 🌐 What yuh so danged slow fur?
[US]J. Thompson Savage Night (1991) 136: You would have! If that danged drunk —.
[US](con. 1920s) J. Thompson South of Heaven (1994) 47: I was to pick my cot, and be danged sure I didn’t mess up any of the others.