Green’s Dictionary of Slang

immensikoff n.

[coined by the music-hall star Arthur Lloyd (1840–1904), who called himself Immensikoff and appeared on stage in such a coat to sing, c.1868, his hit ‘The Shoreditch Toff’]

a bulky, fur-lined overcoat.

[UK]Man about Town 18 Sept. 10/3: [A] crack horse named ‘Immenschikoff’ was entered for one of the great events, was selected by all the ‘tips’ as a safe winner.
[UK]Pall Mall Gazette 25 Sept. 6, col. 1: Heavy swells clad in immensikoffs [...] those very fine and large fur robes affected by men about town [F&H].
[UK] ‘’Arry on Spring-Time and Sport’ in Punch 18 Apr. 184/1: My winter ‘Immensikoff’ can with safety be put up the spout.