Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sex v.

also sex around, ...down, ...up

to have some form of sexual relations, usu. intercourse; thus sexing n.

[US]M. Spillane Long Wait (1954) 185: Harlan sexed Johnny into a spot that would have ruined him.
[UK]‘Count Palmiro Vicarion’ Limericks 107: King Louis gave lessons in class. / One day he was sexing a lass.
‘Sheldon Lord’ Strange Kind of Love 96: I watched for a length of time that felt like an hour [. . .] and that's a lot of time to watch two women sexing around on a linen sheet.
[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Pimp 209: I hope you ain’t sexed that pretty bitch yet.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 187: soundtrack bestial noises made during sexing.
[US]D. Woodrell Muscle for the Wing 26: It said [...] that I should follow you tonight and sex you down.
[US]R.C. Cruz Straight Outta Compton 34: ‘Has he sexed you up?’ I asked. ‘What difference does it make?’ she said.
[US]Source Oct. 165: Small-town girls looking to sex a dealer from the big city.
[US] ‘Minor Threats’ Yale Herald 4 Apr. 🌐 MT misses the days when Barnes would talk love around the Herald office... ‘Oh yeah? You won’t feel that way after I sex you both in the ass!’ ‘How about some finger-blasting?’ ‘You cum-dumpster!’.
[UK]S. Kelman Pigeon English 98: Nobody asked to sex me before.

In compounds

In phrases

sexed up (adj.)

sexually excited.

[WI]R. Mais Hills were Joyful Together (1966) 61: Fellows who talking to her couldn’t keep their eyes off her tits, she all sexed-up an’ wanting to do things.
[US]E. Hoagland Circle Home 103: .
[UK]P. Bailey Eng. Madam 22: I had the feeling he was getting all sexed-up, the way he was carrying on.
sex in (v.)

1. (US black/teen) to gang rape.

[US]C. Major Juba to Jive.

2. (US gang) to initiate into a mixed-sex gang.

[US]J. Miller One of the Guys 171: ‘Girls either get beat in or sexed in. When you a girl you don’t get no respect when you get sexed in, you don’t get no respect.
[US](con. 1990s) J. Miller One of the Guys : .
sex up (v.)

1. to increase the sexual content of, e.g. a film script.

[US]Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Sl.
[UK]Guardian 18 Jan. 🌐 You desire to sex up your image for last week’s American Music Awards, but don’t want to forsake your wholesome virgin rep. What is a girl to do?

2. to make the content of something more attractive or exciting.

[UK]Guardian 6 Sept. 🌐 The claim by the BBC journalist, based on a meeting with Dr Kelly, that No 10 wanted to ‘sex up’ the dossier has been largely supported by evidence.