Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dingbat n.2

1. a ball of dung on the buttocks of sheep or cattle.

[US]DN I. 387: Dingbat. Mr. Philip Hale, of the Boston Journal, has been collecting information . . . concerning this word. The following definitions appear: — (1) Balls of dung on buttocks of sheep or cattle.

2. (US) a cannon-ball, a bullet, a flying missile.

[US]Bartlett Dict. Americanisms (4th edn) 177: Dingbat [...] a cannonball; a bullet.
[US]DN I. 387: Dingbat. Mr. Philip Hale, of the Boston Journal, has been collecting information . . . concerning this word. The following definitions appear: — [...] (3) Flying missile.

In phrases

go like a dingbat (v.)

to go very fast.

[UK]G. Gibson Enemy Coast Ahead (1955) 143: He was going like a dingbat for Southampton at about 6,000 feet.