Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mu n.

[abbr. mooca n.]

(drugs) marijuana.

[US]C.R. Cooper Here’s to Crime n.p.: Commonly it is now being called ‘fu’, ‘mezz’, ‘mu’, ‘moocah’, ‘muggles’, ‘weed’ and ‘reefers’.
[US] ‘Jargon of Marihuana Addicts’ in AS XV:3 Oct. 336/2: The drug, itself, is known as [...] moocah, mu [...].
[US]Anslinger & Tompkins Traffic In Narcotics 312: [...] mu. Marihuana.
[US]R.R. Lingeman Drugs from A to Z (1970).
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 15: Mu — Marijuana.