Green’s Dictionary of Slang

verdomde adj.

also verdoemde, verdoemt, verdomd, verdomste, verdomte
[Du. verdoemd, damned]

(S.Afr.) infernal, damned adj.

J.E. Alexander Expedition into the Interior I 73: Ver doem de government! it presses us in every way [DSAE].
R.G.G. Cumming Hunter’s Life I 53: I overheard him remark to three other gruff-looking Boers who stood beside him that I was ‘a verdomd’ Englishman [DSAE].
[SA]L. Duff Gordon 9 Feb. Letters from the Cape (1875) 285: Donder and Bliksem! am I a verdomde Schmeerlap?
[US]Burlington Wkly Free Press (VT) 27 May 9/2: It’s the ‘verdomde Britisch gouvernment’ here and the ‘verdomde Britisch gouvernment’ there .
[SA]C.E. Finlason A Nobody in Mashonaland 23: This is the Boer’s delicate way of emphasising his regard for the verdomde Rooinek, i.e., d---d redneck, which was the name given to the British soldiers in the late war.
[SA]D. Blackburn Burgher Quixote 298: ‘No!’ he shouted. ‘Tell the verdomde schlem to be damned.’.
[UK]J.M. Meiring Candle in the Wind 40: ‘Why don’t you go to the verdomde party?’ she screamed.
[SA]A. La Guma Walk in the Night (1968) 63: I wonder what she’s doing now, the verdomte bitch.
[SA]G. Gordon Four People 278: My God, these verdomde Kaffirs are getting far too cheeky.
[SA]A. Dangor ‘Shadow of Paradise’ in Waiting for Leila (2001) 139: What’s so verdoemt funny? Making fun of me, eh?
[SA]M. Melamu Children of Twilight 50: A bastard in the family! The father must be a verdomste kaffer!
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex xx: What was it that the Flemish okes in jail called them? Oh ja – verdomde kikkervretes. Fucking frog munchers.