Green’s Dictionary of Slang

octopus n.

[his ‘eight’ hands]

(US) a man who proves more sexually enthusiastic, thus keen to fondle, than his girlfriend or date might wish; thus attrib.

[US]G. & S. Lorimer Men Are Like Streetcars 217: Come on, don’t be an octopus, Davy.
[US]W.R. Burnett Little Men, Big World 77: If I go in there, I’ll get trampled—or worse. That Mr. Riebe’s an octopus. If you hold two of his hands, he still seems to have six or seven more.
[US](con. WWII) ‘Weldon Hill’ Onionhead (1958) : .
[US]Baker et al. CUSS 165: Octopus A strong, often offensive male.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 143: octopus disease the symptoms are fondling others in public places.
[UK]J. Baker Shooting in the Dark (2002) 247: ‘You said there were two problems.’ ‘Oh, yes, his hands.’ ‘He can’t keep them to himself?’ ‘No kidding,’ she said. ‘The man’s an octopus.’.