Green’s Dictionary of Slang

double-O v.

[double-O n.1 ]

1. (US) to stare at; to survey.

[US] in Stars and Stripes 28 June: Have yuh double-o-ed a dame? [HDAS].
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks 33/2: Double O, to size up a person or place.
[US]Slanguage Dict. Mod. Amer. Sl.
Nation’s Business XXXVI 52: [They] are whisked away to mountain lodges to see winter sports fashions in motion, or bathe in the sun at Palm Springs to double-o spectator and leisure wear.
[US]B. Schulberg On the Waterfront (1964) 143: The church job. Double-o it for Johnny.
[US]A. Pearl Dict. Popular Sl.

2. to doublecross.

[US]C. Coe Hooch! 104: ‘Sooner or later he’ll double-cross you,’ the alderman snapped [...] ‘What d’you mean, double-o me?’.

3. to reject, to deny.

[US]Mad mag. Jan.–Feb. 48: I don’t want to double-O what Brutus gummed.