Green’s Dictionary of Slang

slam dance n.

also slam-dancing
[SE slam + dance; usu. associated with the audiences of punk or thrash n. (3) music]

a particularly energetic style of dance that involves physical collision with other dancers; also attrib.

[US]L.A. Times 29 June (Calendar) 4/1: The mindless ferocity of this Slam dancing bothers longtime L.A. punk enthusiasts who view the younger, beach-area punks as outside agitators bent on destroying the local punk community.
[US]W. Wang [movie title] Slam Dance.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 120: A local skinhead gang went into a slam-dancing frenzy.
[US]B. Hamper Rivethead (1992) 101: A kamikaze rage that had about as much to do with the true art of pugilism as slam-dancing had with classical ballet.
[UK]Observer Mag. 5 Sept. 33: Judging by the ferocious slam-dancing, the 200-strong crowd approves.
[UK](con. 1980s) L. Leblanc Pretty in Pink 51: Enter the slam dance, which then developed into ‘thrashing,’ a seemingly more violent form of slam dance.
[US](con. 1975–6) E. Little Steel Toes 143: Now it’s called moshing, once it was slam dancing, and that may have evolved from pogoing.
S. O’Neal Shaquille 87: I was the slam-dance champion of England. I should explain. [...] at the end of the concert, there was this slam-dance contest.