Green’s Dictionary of Slang

tweak n.1

also tweake
[? SE tweak, the act of tugging, thus fig. sexual intercourse]

1. a prostitute.

[UK]Middleton & Rowley A Fair Quarrel IV iv: Your tweaks are like your mermaids, they have sweet voices to entice the passengers.
[UK]R. Brathwait Barnabees Journal III R7: From the bushes near the Lane there / Rush’d a Tweake in gesture flaunting, / With a leering eye and wanton.
Brothers of the Blade 5: [H]e menac'd me that I should [...] allow the Tweake 5 pounds.
‘tTe Politick Drinker’ in Antidote against Melancholy 85: If any man here be in bodily fear / Of a Wolf, a Wife, or a Tweak; / Here’s Armour of proof shall keep her aloof.
[UK]Windsor Drollery [as 1669].
[UK] ‘The Cautious Drinker’ in Playford Pills to Purge Melancholy I 161: If any man here be in bodily fear, / Of a Wolf, a Wife or a Tweak.
[US]R. Todasco Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Dirty Words.

2. a whoremonger.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (1984) 1276/2: C.17–18.