Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mush v.2

[mush n.1 (2)]

1. (US) to kiss and cuddle; also as mush it up.

[US]Eve. Public Ledger (Phila., PA) 2 June 11/5: It isn’t romance [...] just plain, common ‘mushing’.
[US]Transcript Foster Inq. in L.R. Murphy Perverts by Official Order (1989) 27: Kreisberg began ‘to mush me up’ and carry on ‘as if I was a girl’.
[UK]J. March Wild Party 49: He’s mushin’ it up with your angel-face!
[US]H. Miller Tropic of Capricorn (1964) 104: I caught him red-handed one night, in the movies, mushing it up with a young girl.
[US]H. Miller Sexus (1969) 57: We stopped under a tree and started to mush it up.
[US]S. Bellow Augie March (1996) 86: The kind [of girls] who’d never grab you by the fly or let you stick around till one a.m. mushing with them on the steps.

2. (US) to court a woman in a sentimental manner, to ‘chat up’.

[US](con. 1920s) J.T. Farrell Young Manhood in Studs Lonigan (1936) 394: Dapper Dan was still mushing around Sally.

3. (US black) to kiss.

[US] ‘Jiver’s Bible’ in D. Burley Orig. Hbk of Harlem Jive.
[US]Mezzrow & Wolfe Really the Blues 198: Ten minutes after I made home-sweet-home [...] I mushed [my old lady] and cut out for the Riverside Towers, on the West Side.