Green’s Dictionary of Slang

oil-burner n.

1. (US) a tobacco chewer [US Navy oil, chewing tobacco].

[US]H. Brackbill ‘Midshipman Jargon’ in AS III:6 453: Oil burner—One who chews tobacco.

2. (US) an exceptionally able or hard-working person [SE phr. burn the midnight oil].

[US]Maines & Grant Wise-crack Dict. 11/2: Oil Burner – Student.
[US]B. Jackson Thief’s Primer 128: Of course I had one of the best attorneys in the country there. He said, ‘Boy, he’s an oil burner.’ ‘Yeah [...] He’s a good lawyer.’.

3. (US drugs) in drug uses.

(a) (also oil-burning habit) an extremely heavy level of heroin addiction [predates oil n. (3e), therefore prob. SE phr. burn the midnight oil or play on the oil lamps that were used to heat opium + habit n. (1)].

[US]D. Maurer ‘Lang. of the Und. Narcotic Addict’ Pt 2 in Lang. Und. (1981) 106/2: oil-burning habit. A ravenous appetite for drugs.
[US]Murtagh & Harris Who Live In Shadow (1960) 18: He’s got an oil-burning habit and no money with which to buy heroin.
[US]J. Blake letter 7 July in Joint (1972) 184: They’ll both start using shit again, and then he’ll come back to Ma to kick the oil-burner.
[US]M. Braly Shake Him Till He Rattles (1964) 121: I’m not studying no oil-burner of a habit and a hundred-dollar nut every day.
[US]D. Goines Dopefiend (1991) 118: You better cut down on your bloes, Terry, or you’re going to end up with an oil burner.
[US]S. Morgan Homeboy 13: He supported his own oilburning habit slinging the same dope he shot.
R.J. Martin ‘Pimp Game ’76’ in ThugLit Jan. [ebook] My dope habit became an oil burner.

(b) an addict with a very high intake of narcotics.

[US]W. Burroughs Naked Lunch (1968) 43: By adroit vein rotation a junky can piece out the odds if he don’t become an oil burner.

4. a vehicle which, through a malfunctioning or dirty engine, uses up a disproportionate quantity of oil.

[US]W. Burroughs Naked Lunch (1968) 30: Bought a Ford turned out to be an oil burner.