Green’s Dictionary of Slang

blame it! excl.

also blame it all!
[blame adj.]

a euph. for damn it! excl.

Arthur’s Illus Home Mag. II 278/1: Oh! blame it! that pretty creetur dead, buried — oh! blame it’.
[UK]J. Greenwood In Strange Company 223: ‘Oh, blarm it, marm,’ he said, bringing his great hand down with such a thump.
[US](con. c.1840) ‘Mark Twain’ Huckleberry Finn 99: Blame it, I’d sorter begun to think you wasn’t. [Ibid.] 27: Why, blame it all, we’ve got to do it.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 17 Jan. 6/2: tramp: ‘Give me your money or your life!’ / young man: ‘My money is invested, and my life is insured.’ / […] tramp: ‘Well, blame it, give me something.’ / young man: ‘I will give you my good day. Ta, Ta.’.
[US]W.M. Raine Bucky O’Connor (1910) 77: Blame it all, I’m getting to be a regular old granny.
[Scot]Dundee Eve. Teleg. 17 Mar. 4/2: ‘Blame it!’ bellowed the burglar. ‘I thought I was in another house!’.
[US]W. Smitter F.O.B. Detroit 102: Blame it all—I don’t like to tell such tall lies.