Green’s Dictionary of Slang

wisecracker n.

[wisecrack v.]

a person who makes a witty retort or smart comment, or a joke at someone else’s expense.

[US]F. Hutchison Philosophy of Johnny the Gent 5: [T]he Wise Cracker swears he’ll get even if it takes till two years from Tuesday.
[US]R. Lardner Big Town 181 : The brother-in-law’s a smart Aleck that thinks he’s a wise cracker.
[UK]J. Curtis There Ain’t No Justice 32: The Master of Ceremonies was in the ring reading out next week’s bills. Everybody was laughing. He was a wisecracker.
[US]H.A. Smith Life in a Putty Knife Factory (1948) 145: Wisecrackers who know him are always yelling, ‘Curtin going up!’.
[US]L. Rosten Dear ‘Herm’ 300: Wise-crackers like ‘Bobo’ Blattberg used to say it got ‘hotter than the hinges of H---!’.