Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spizzerinktum n.

also spizarinctum, spizerinctum, spizerinkum, spizzerinctum

1. a dollar; money in general [SE specie].

[US]J.J. Hooper Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs (1851) 40: A hundred and seventy dollars in the clear spizarinctum.
[US] ‘South-Western Sl.’ in Overland Monthly (CA) Aug. 128: Neither did greenbacks succeed well at first in invading the State. In March, 1868, they had gotten no farther west than Marshall, and everywhere west of that, when a man named a price, he meant ‘spizerinctums’ (corrupted from specie).

2. vigour, zest [nonce-word, reminiscent of fizz, pizzazz etc.].

[[UK]Satirist (London) 4 Sept. 173/3: ‘It is the dropping of the nerves, Ma’am, the nerves having fallen into the pizarintum, the chist [i.e. chest] - becomes morberous, and the head goes tizarizen, tizarizen!’] .
Smith College Monthly XXI 56: They did not know how ‘Spizzerinktum’ got into a dictionary, and they did not look [...] Spizzerinktum met the eye and met the ear at every street corner.
[US] letter to Stars and Stripes 5 Apr. n.p.: The editors sure have spizzerinktum and every word of the paper is darned interesting.
in M. Wingfield Hist. of Carolina County 406: I was young and full of spizzerinktum, hence soon found myself deep in politics.
Nation’s Business XX 15/1: [heading] We All Need Spizzerinctum.
[US]P. Kendall Dict. Service Sl. n.p.: spizerinkum . . . intestinal fortitude.
[US]Newsweek 24 Feb. 28/2: Tirelessly he promised ‘to put spizzerinctum into the Republican party.’ Explaining that ‘spizzerinctum’ means the ‘old get-up-and go,’ Sigler was nonplussed when the Democrats found the word also meant: ‘Tawdry adornment [...] as on a building; gimcrackery’ [DA].
(ref. to 1920s) A.T. Robertson Old-Time Religion 11: An aggressive real-estate operator of the early nineteen-twenties, prayed, ‘O Lord, give us pep, O Lord give us punch, O Lord give us SPIZZERINKTUM!’.
E. Endrey Beg, Borrow and Squeal 293: He was turning round and splashing and splatterdashing with intense spizzerinktum — which is the over-mastering will to succeed.
[US]G. & K. Swarthout Whichaway (1967) 56: The boy sat rigid, scared to his very spizzerinctum.
H. Wickham Unrealists 120: With a little spizzerinktum, anybody can understand the theory of Relativity.
(con. 1930s–40s) ShortNorth Gazette (Columbus, OH) 🌐 Spizzerinctum, Davis explained – but Sensenbrenner immortalized later – is ‘a quality 1,000 times greater than enthusiasm!’.