Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Company, the n.

[Sp. Cia, abbr. for Company (equivalent of SE Co.)]

(US) the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), thus attrib.

[US]R. Starnes Requiem in Utopia 4: In common with everyone in the first generation of the Central Intelligence Agency, the station chief invariably alluded to the agency as ‘the company’.
East Side Express (N.Y.) 13 May 🌐 The involvement of the CIA in the Nixon Watergate went far beyond the fact that the burglars were ‘Company’ alumni.
[US]R. Littell [title] The Company: A Novel of the CIA.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 395: He was appointed a senior manager of the American Committee for Cultural Freedom (Europe) - a Company post rather than a diplomatic on.