Green’s Dictionary of Slang

artic n.

an articulated lorry.

[UK]Hull Dly Mail 24 June 2/6: [advert] Dennis Ace Artic Lorry, reconditioned by makers, as new; carry 10 tons.
[UK]Leicester Eve. Mail 26 Feb. 12/6: On oath Fairhurst stated he was following an artic' lorry.
[Ire]P. O’Keeffe Hidden Soldier 14: The articulated trucks were all old [...] Not one of the trucks or security vehicles would have been allowed on a European or US road. And yet our very lives depended on these clapped-out artics.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 843: The semi-trailer of an artic had been converted into an ad-hoc brothel.