Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Captain Hook n.

[rhy. sl.; ult. Captain Hook, the villain of Peter Pan (1904) by James Barrie (1860–1937)]

1. (also captain’s hook) a look, a glance.

[UK]R. Walton ‘Cockney Jack and the Beanstalk’ 🌐 When Jack had picked himself up off the frog and toad, and dusted himself off, and given the don’t know how a dirty Captain Hook, he turned around to Captain Hook at the funny little heavenly plan.
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 37/2: captain’s hook n. a look.

2. a book.

[UK]M. Coles More Bible in Cockney 8: Then ’ave a butcher’s at some well-known bits from each of their Captain Hooks.