Green’s Dictionary of Slang

previousness n.

[previous adj. (1)]

(US) anything seen as coming too soon, too hastily or prematurely; the state of being too hasty or premature.

Morn. Appeal (Carson City, NV) 10 Feb. 3/1: It was owing to an indiscriminate previousness.
[US]McCook Wkly Trib. (NE) 6 Nov. 7/2: The previousness of the reporter was neither gratefully acknowledged nor adequately rewarded.
Law Times XCIII 413/1: His previousness, however, is not always effective [DA].
[US]Seattle Repub. (WA) 23 Oct. 2/1: We may expect to see the cheerful adherents of this vanished orb [...] adapt a plank viewing ‘with alarm’ the previousness of occult science.
[US]L.A. Herald 3 Aug. 4/2: His previousness [...] would debar us from the priviledge of ransacking his pockets.