Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rubbish n.

1. money.

[UK]J. Shirley Honoria and Mammon II i: I hate it perfectly, Hang toyes and yellow rubbish that paid for ’em.
[UK]‘T.B. Jr’ Pettyfogger Dramatized I i: fer.: He promised it you to-morrow. wolf.: Damn his promises! Go and get the rubbish, I say.
[UK]‘An Amateur’ Real Life in London I 142: She shall stump up the rubbish before I leave her, or give me the address of her flash covey.

2. an unpleasant person.

[UK]‘Morris the Mohel’ ‘Houndsditch Day By Day’ in Sporting Times 11 Jan. 3: Ach, vhat a rubbish! A reg’lar flimsy, frippery hussy — all guiver ’n no geldt.
[UK]Hants Chron. 2 Sept. 7/4: ‘I know he’s a “rubbish”, but if I get shot of him, I’ll just seek another “rubbish”’.
[Aus]P. Temple Black Tide (2012) [ebook] Gary’s rubbish. Smart but rubbish.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 35: Some of the muggy-cunt, lowlife, petty criminals, half-a-sex-case rubbish play the game.