Green’s Dictionary of Slang

houso n.

(Aus.) a person living in Housing Commission accommodation, thus attrib.

[Aus]Sydney Morn. Herald 27 Jan. 3: [I]n the Housing Department homes where we stop, few of the adults have jobs. The children who grow up here bear the taunts of ‘housos’ from other, more privileged children.
Google Groups: 22 Dec. 🌐 The Housing Commission has a new strategy of spreading the houso’s around the place these days. Now we have houso’s in amongst the private home owners because they get in to less fights this way, but it obviously has other problems.
Google Groups: 13 Mar. 🌐 I admit some people are forced below the poverty line by things beyond their control - this doesnt make them houso’s, it makes them disadvantaged.
[Aus]Australian 20 May Mag. 26: He was given a ‘houso’ flat in the Druitt but didn’t stay long.
Stay at Home Mume 🌐 So yeah i think we r like upper class bogan and not full blown ‘housos’ type bogans!