Green’s Dictionary of Slang

puzzle n.1

[dial. puzzle, a slut; ult. Fr. pucelle, a virgin; the tricks played by young girls, esp. when fresh from the country, of presenting themselves as virgins (and thus demanding higher prices)]

a prostitute.

[UK]P. Stubbes Anatomie of Abuses 41: Yee shall not haue any gentlewoman almost, no nor yet any droye or pussle in the countrey, but they will carye in their hande nosegayes and posies.
[UK]Shakespeare Henry VI Pt 1 I iv: Pucelle or puzzel, dolphin or dogfish, / Your hearts I’ll stamp out with my horse’s heels.
Stephens (trans.) Apol. Herodotus 98: Some filthy queans, especially our puzzles of Paris [N].
[UK]J. Minsheu Ductor in Linguas n.p.: A Pusle, trull, or stinking wench.
[UK]B.E. Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: A dirty Quean, a very Puzzel or Slut.
Prisoners Opera 18: Such a scolding Puzzle.

In phrases