Green’s Dictionary of Slang

scrub n.2

(Aus.) with ref. to the SAusE scrub.

In compounds

scrub bull (n.) [SAusE scrub bull, a bull that was bred in, or escaped into, the wild]

a solo prospector, living out in the desert and characterized by surliness, taciturnity and general misanthropy.

V. Palmer Big Fellow 268: What she had roused in him then had kept him from being quite the tough scrub-bull that he might have been.
B. Oakley A Wild Ass of a Man 68: I’m different from the herd, and at that school they don’t like the wanderers, the scrub bulls who forage for their nourishment in their own way, alone.
[Aus]X. Herbert Poor Fellow My Country 702: The Scrub Bull, of all people, getting interested in settling the country .
scrub cockie (n.) (also scrub cocky) [cocky n.2 (2)]

a small farmer working tree-covered or otherwise rough land.

[Aus]letter in Australasian (Melbourne) 28 Jan. 25/2: I need not inform your able correspondent ‘Scrub Cockie’ that I am, and always was, against cutting up all the good part of the mallee.
[Aus]Richmond River Herald (NSW) 22 July 4/7: It would be as absurd to send him to Sydney to run our show in Parliament [...] as it would be to send a Big Scrub cockie to London as Agent-General — or nearly.
[Aus]Express & Teleg. (Adelaide) 17 June 3/8: A rough-looking scrub-cocky told a group of cronies, ‘My word, them blokes is dead strong. They’ll take yer money for a horse that ain't even startin’’.
[Aus]Register (Adelaide) 5 Apr. 7/1: Now I will try to show how the scrub cocky lives, his daily routine, his domestic utility [...] and his many peculiarities.
[UK]Observer (Adelaide) 30 Dec. 47/5: If the Government could obtain them at something like 10/ a dozen it would mean a big saving to the scrub cockie, who could not afford to buy more than his requirements.
[Aus]Cairns Post (Qld) 15 Aug. 13/6: Cr. Dempsey remarked that tourist roads were being provided at the expense of the ‘scrub cockies’.
[Aus]Morn. Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld) 28 July 4/2: Nowadays, to such an extent have we carried specialisation, we have the cow cocky, the fruit cocky, the cane cocky, the scrub cocky and, last but not least, the boss cocky.
[Aus]Port Lincoln Times (SA) 3 Sept. 2/2: 30 years ago ' scrub cockies ' used to swarm on to the wharves at Port Melbourne when a: migrant ship arrived with a cargo of ‘pommies.’ They would rush up the gangway, size up the new arrivals, take their pick and sign them up for farm work.
scrub-dangler (n.)

a wild bullock.

[Aus]Aus. Town & Country Jrnl (Sydney) 18 Nov. 22/3: D-n the brute! [...] he does not belong to the run at all. [...] He is one of those infernal scrub-danglers from the Lachlan, come across to get a feed.
[Aus]‘Rolf Boldrewood’ Colonial Reformer II 59: He is one of those infernal scrub-danglers from the Lachlan.
[Aus]Stephens & O’Brien Materials for a Dict. of Aus. Sl. [unpub. ms.].
[Aus]‘Rolf Boldrewood’ In Bad Company 166: If we can make a good haul out of these ‘scrub danglers’ we shall have together as fine a lot of fat cattle as ever left the Macquarie.
[Aus]Baker Aus. Lang. 67: Scrubbers, bush scrubbers, mulga scrubbers, mallee pikers, kangaroos, myalls, scrub danglers, runabouts, stock that have run wild and deteriorated in condition.
scrub dash (n.)

(Aus.) a flgiht (on horseback) into the bush in an attempt to avoid arrest.

[Aus]Queenslander (Brisbane) 25 Dec. 807/4: However, recovering himself, he tried for a ‘scrub dash,’ but the constable dragged him off the mare by main force, stopping his gallop at ‘one fell swoop’.
scrub turkey (n.)

1. a contemptible woman.

Mt Alexander Mail (Vic.) 21 May 3/4: There two publichouses every 10 or 12 miles. The landlady of one of theom poses in Melbourne society as a squatter’s wifo; Up here she is known as the Scrub Turkey.
[Aus]D. Niland Call Me When the Cross Turns Over (1958) 195: You scrub turkey! I’ve had better women than you’ll ever know how to be. Women, real women, I’ve had. Not like you – not grubby, dirty bitches like you.

2. an itinerant who moves around the Australian bush, whose long absence from urban life may have rendered them slightly eccentric.

A. Marshall I Can Jump Puddles 152: Father [...] was familiar with the ways of swagmen [...] The bearded men who kept to the bush he called ‘Scrub Turkeys’ and those who came down from the plains he called ‘Plain Turkeys’.
[Aus]F. Huelin ‘Keep Moving’ 178: Scrub Turkey, bagman who has gone Bush. Usually slightly mental or eccentic [AND].

In phrases

scrub-dashing (n.)

1. the act of riding through bush or scrub in order to round up strayed cattle or horses; thus scrub-dasher, one who does this.

[Aus]Australasian (Melbourne) 14 Nov. 25/1: After several hours’ hard riding, much scrub-dashing [...] many a small bunch of cattle is collected.
[Aus]Baker Popular Dict. Aus. Sl. 64: Scrub-dashing, riding through bush or scrub, esp. after strayed cattle or brumbies.
[US]J. Greenway ‘Aus. Cattle Lingo’ in AS XXXIII:3 168: scrub dasher, n. A stockman who works in the brush.

2. (Aus.) in general use of sense 1, travelling over rough country.

[Aus]Laverton Mercury (WA) 18 Nov. 2/4: Going across country is not ‘much chop’ - this is my opinion, having just negotiated the return journey after a considerable amount of ‘scrub-dashing’ with a bicycle.