Green’s Dictionary of Slang

whangdoodle n.2

[whangdoodle n.1 (2) + ext. of whang n.1 (4); note doodle n.2 (1) although the link is unlikely]

(US) the penis.

[US]‘Francois Rabelais’ (Jacques Leclerc, trans.) Gargantua & Pantagruel 4 229: When you dwell in Satan’s arms, / Should his wife prefer your charms, / Taking it into her noodle / To enjoy your great whangdoodle / And accept a few fell stitches / From the awl inside your breeches.
[US]C. Sellers Marilee 226: ‘Fixed him, rthough — sawed of his whangdoodle and chunked it in the fire. Son of a bitch can’t never diddle a squaw in his heaven’.
[US]P. Sharp Woman Who Was Not All There 150: ‘There was an awful fellow [...] who told me to put toothpaste on his whangdoodle, He said it felt good’.
A. Zamenzad Cyrus Cyrus 271: I [...] released my whangdoodle from the confines of a new and overtight pair of jeans.
‘What Else? Penis Chat’ Chat #6 23 Sept. on BeddaHopper on 🌐 vanda52: is this a common female name for penis, this hoohoo? respighi mahler: not really. vanda52: ok. respighi mahler: do you like it? emmawrites: I call a penis ‘penis’ I me crazy. respighi mahler: emma, why not call it a whangdoodle?