Green’s Dictionary of Slang

barrack hack n.

[SE barrack hack, a horse available to any soldier in a barracks; like the animal, the human is available to anyone who wishes to ‘ride’]

1. a prostitute.

[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

2. a woman who regularly attends military balls.

[UK]Barrère & Leland Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
[UK]Lawrence & Skinner Boy in the Bush 255: It was the twentieth dance. Jack had been introduced to a sporting girl in her late twenties [...] Tom called her a ‘barrack hack’.
F.B. Young Woodsmoke 265: ‘I have never met a woman to touch her,’ he thought, ‘and here have I been treating her as if she were a barrack hack.’.