Green’s Dictionary of Slang

chicklet n.

also chicklette
[chick n.1 (3) + dimin. sfx -let(te)]

(orig. US) a young woman.

[US]S. Lewis Babbitt (1974) 140: The painless chicklets of the Wrollicking Wrens are the cuddlingest bunch that ever hit town.
[UK]C. MacInnes Absolute Beginners 52: She keeps a string of idiotic chicklets on the game.
[US]Time 27 Dec. 47: There is some show-stopping (if irrelevant) footwork by a trio of pretty chicklets billed as Extraordinary Spooks.
[US]New Yorker 21 Feb. 95: A chicklette with flowing hair turned to her bearded companion and pronounced with wide-eyed awe, ‘He’s flying in from Death Valley’.
J. Licht N.Y. Times 19 Oct. n.p.: All the chicklets in my business, with their blow-dried hairdos, came along [R].