Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gub n.1

also gubbah, gubber
[? SE garbage or SE government; note Seal, The Lingo (1999): ‘The origins of the word [...] may derive from government blanket, widely pronounced [...] as gubment blanket, sometimes gubby blanket. Such blankets were often identified with a red stripe or other device sewn along them. It is said that Aboriginal people would spend many hours unpicking these stitches and over the years this hated symbol of dependence on white handouts has been honed to its present usage’; note 1887 Bulletin (Sydney) 15 Oct. 12/3: ‘At La Perouse, Sydney, there lives a black who goes by the exalted and sacred name of “The Gubnor.”’]

(Aus. Aborigine) a usu. derog. term for a white man; also used adj.

[Aus] in K. Gilbert Living Black 33: And the only one makin’ a fortune out of us is these gubs, whites. [Ibid.] 161: That means that the gubbah is trying to wipe out tribal law. [Ibid.] 164: You know there’s a lot of blacks that have gone, really completely gubbah, you know?
[Aus]Tupper & Wortley Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Gubber. Aboriginal slang for a white person.
[Aus]G. Seal Lingo 17: An important example of Aboriginal lingo is the term gubbah and its variants — gub, gubby, gubbise. Gubbah is used [...] as a generic term for white people, often in a derogatory manner.