Green’s Dictionary of Slang

not on adj.

[billiards use, of shots that are ‘not on’ the table; ? also milit. use, when a proposed operation was ‘not on’ through unforeseen circumstances]

socially unacceptable, impossible.

[Aus]N. Bartlett With Australians in Korea 251: General Everest realized that escape and survival as we knew it in World War II was just ‘not on’ in Korea.
[UK]H. Livings Stop it, Whoever You Are (1962) Act II: You’ll see for yourself the sort of thing I have to put up with. It’s not on, you know.
[UK]G.F. Newman Prisoner’s Tale 49: Lynn recognised right off what the con was doing [...] It wasn’t on, he decided.
[Aus]B. Humphries Traveller’s Tool 31: Ermine and heavy jewel-encrusted hats are ‘not on’ in egalitarian Australia.
[US]R. Shell Iced 169: The boy’s got me seeing spiders. And that ain’t on!
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 125: A couple of boys spoke to his mates, told ’em givin evidence was not on.