Green’s Dictionary of Slang

woozy adj.

also hoozy, whoozy, woosey, woosy, woozie, wuzzy
[? echoic of one’s blurred mumblings]

1. (orig. US) vague, befuddled, dizzy or unwell, esp. from a blow to the head.

[US]E. Townsend Chimmie Fadden Explains 103: When she got over lookin wuzzy wid de jolt, she begins t’ laugh.
[US]A.H. Lewis Wolfville 66: I’m in a daze an’ sorter woozy.
[US]E.H. Babbitt ‘College Words and Phrases’ in DN II:i 70: woozy, adj. Confused.
[US]St Paul Globe (MN) 7 Aug. 27/2: She’s only wuzzy. Say, beau, she ain’t dead no more’n a rabbit.
[US]‘Hugh McHugh’ You Can Search Me 33: A ride through this tunnel on a hot day will put you over on Woosey Avenue quicker than a No. 9 pill in Hop Lee’s smoke factory.
[UK]Wodehouse Psmith Journalist (1993) 247: He’s still woozy.
[UK]P. Marks Plastic Age 107: You ’ll just get woozy if you stay up any longer.
[US]J.A. Russell ‘Colgate University Sl.’ in AS V:3 239: Woozy: uncomfortable. ‘That subject always gives me a woozy feeling.’.
[UK]Hull Dly Mail 17 Sept. 7/3: I’m getting so woozy in the bean that I’m beginning to think it impossible.
[US]R. Chandler Farewell, My Lovely (1949) 69: I think you’re still woozy from that crack on the head.
[UK]N. Mitchison Among You Taking Notes 31 Dec. 224: Slightly better but a bit wuzzy after a big dose of dial last night.
[US]W. Guthrie Bound for Glory (1969) 205: I ain’t sick! Little woozie.
[US]J. Archibald ‘When a Body Meets a Body’ in Popular Detective Sept. 🌐 You look whoozy, Klump. Here, take the bottle.
[NZ]I. Hamilton Till Human Voices Wake Us 119: Even the wooziest idealist has it over the materialist in one respect.
[US](con. 1920s–30s) J.O. Killens Youngblood (1956) 421: He was slightly drunk, what with the closeness and the smoke his head felt woozy.
[US]E. De Roo Big Rumble 121: He wasn’t drunk but when he came to the project entrance he felt woozie and ready for a good sleep.
[US]‘Iceberg Slim’ Pimp 54: The fresh air was like a blast of oxygen. It made me woozy.
[US]J. Crumley One to Count Cadence (1987) 66: My head hurt and I was still whoozy.
[US]C. Loken Come Monday Morning 106: He felt really whoozy now he couldn’t seem to think straight.
[UK]P. Theroux Picture Palace 27: I was tired, my bones ached, I felt woozy.
[US]C. Hiaasen Skin Tight 133: He spent the time making idle conversation with the woozy Chemo.
[Aus]M. Walker How to Kiss a Crocodile 86: My head started to spin and I felt a bit woosy.
[UK]K. Sampson Powder 53: Wheezer felt woozy at the warm familiarity of Guy’s use of his nickname and instantly despised his own weakness.
[Aus]R.G. Barrett Wind & Monkey (2013) [ebook] ‘So, how were you when you woke up this morning, Digger?’ ‘Quite woozey,’ she answered.
[US]Eble Campus Sl. Nov. 4: hoozy – light-headed, absent-minded: I didn’t get any work done yesterday because my new medications made me feel so hoozy.
[Scot]T. Black Gutted 215: I stood up, felt a bit woozy. Immediately slid back down the side of the ambulance.
[US](con. 1973) C. Stella Johnny Porno 157: Too woozy to inquire with the super, John headed up to his apartment.
[US]‘Dutch’ ? (Pronounced Que) [ebook] Chuck was getting woozy from all the blows.
[Ire]L. McInerney Glorious Heresies 211: [H]e’d had a couple of pints [...] that left him vexingly woozy.
[Scot]I. Welsh Dead Man’s Trousers 115: He starts tae get a bit woozy.
[Scot]A. Parks Bobby March Will Live Forever 295: [He] still felt a bit woozy. Coke and mandies – not the best combination.

2. (orig. US) sentimental, affectionate; thus wooziness n., sentimentality.

[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 22: The fellow [...] handed up an old leather violin case. That made me sort o’ woozy [...] when I was a kid my father had tried for several years to drum some violin music into me .
[US]C.E. Mulford Bar-20 ix: Then when he got woozy one time she up an’ told him that she had got a nice long letter from her hubby.
[US]J. Lait Gangster Girl 48: He’s got this Schuyder moll [...] woozy about him.
[Ire]P. McCabe Breakfast on Pluto 42: One minute I’m there as black and broody as ever a woman could be [...] and the next I’m gone all woozy, like never till the end of time will I leave this lovely man.
[UK]Observer 9 Jan. 29/4: We, too, are scared [...] We dress up our refusal to speak plainly in woozy therapeutic language.

3. (US campus) pleasant, enjoyable.

[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 23: woozy [...] 2. Pleasant, delightful. ‘You are going to the hop? How woozy!’.

4. (US) keen on, interested in (other than romantically).

[US]‘Hugh McHugh’ Out for the Coin 13: ‘Who put you woozy to this Wall Street fight?’ inquired Bunch.
[US]‘O. Henry’ Roads of Destiny 64: A woman gets woozy on clothes.

5. (orig. US) befuddled or dizzy as a result of being under the influence of drugs or drink.

[US]Dly Arizona Silver Belt (Gila Co., AZ) 8 Nov. 5/1: All dis talk about is drinkin’ wood alky is woozy language. We was drinkin’ straight alky, and there was no lumber about it.
[UK]B. Mantle et al. Best Plays 13: Save for the fact that its youthful hero becomes slightly woozy with liquor, ‘Tommy’ is as clean as a kennel of hounds’ teeth.
[UK]Kipling Limits & Renewals (1932) 356: He had kept himself going on rum sometimes, and was woozy when the pinch came.
[US]B. Schulberg What Makes Sammy Run? 56: I was feeling pretty woozy from all that liquor.
[US]R.D. Pharr S.R.O. (1998) 15: Twenty-four hours without a single drink and I was still woozy, still half-drunk.
[UK]Daily Tel. 17 Jan. 17/2: Liquid lunches can leave a man weak and woozy late in the afternoon, drinkers were told.
[US]E. Amburn Subterranean Kerouac 171: On the bus from New York to California, high on Benzedrine and woozy on liquor.
[US]P. Sanchez Girlfriends 33: She sat in the back of the cab feeling woozy and nauseated. She knew she would inevitably puke from all the liquor.
[US]K. Huff A Steady Rain I iii: Connie was woozy from the valium, the scotch.
[US]D. Cady Champions 111: Whatever booze he’d ingested didn’t make him woozy at all.
[Scot]A. Parks Bloody January 11: [of cannabis] Didn’t take long to kick in. He felt a bit woozy, good.

6. (US) old-fashioned, staid [? wowser n.1 (1)].

[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY) 22 May 2/3: ‘The Players’ Club’ [...] is not a popular institution. It is too exclusive, solemn: too ‘woosey.’ as Jane Stuart would say.
[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 23: woozy [...] 1. [...] behind the times.

7. mad, eccentric; old-fashioned.

[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 23: woozy [...] 1. Foolish.
[US]Ade Girl Proposition 56: They would be giving him the Giggle and saying he was the wooziest ever.
[US]‘Lord Ballyrot in Slangland’ in Tacoma Times (WA) 14 Jan. 4/4: Any time you see me puffing a fag just mark me down as getting woozy.
[UK]A. Conan Doyle His Last Bow in Baring-Gould (1968) II 798: ‘The man was mad.’ ‘Well, he went a bit woozy towards the end.’.
[US]D. Hammett ‘The First Thin Man’ in Nightmare Town (2001) 363: He was always a bit on the goofy side [...] And it’s a cinch this magazine stuff he’s been doing lately is woozy.
[NZ]I. Hamilton Till Human Voices Wake Us 182: He’s a good chap [...] but he is fairly woozy.

In derivatives

wooziness (n.)

1. eccentricity.

[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 350: These meetings are going to be allowed to degenerate into exploitations of Longfellowish wooziness.

2. a sense of mental instability, e.g. that following a blow to the head.

[US]J.D. Campbell Manic-depressive Disease 116: Headache and ‘wooziness’ play a definite role in the mental retardation.
[NZ]I. Hamilton Till Human Voices Wake Us 173: There was a certain wooziness of expression [...] unsuccessful fumbling for the right words.
[US]G. Vlamis Bach Flower Remedies 88: JT is a sixty-five-year-old ex-weight-lifter who had been having attacks of ‘wooziness’ and lightheadedness.
[US]I. Allende Daughter of Fortune 304: Sometimes she awoke with Tom No-Tribe in her arms, imagining in the wooziness of half sleep that it was Tao Chi’en.
[US]H. Shearer Not Enough Indians 39: Dick fought off the wooziness of his pain medication.