Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Swedish adj.

[? misreading of the sex-change operations carried out in Denmark]

(US) homosexual.

[US]Alt. Eng. Dict. 🌐 swedish homosexual. One of several euphemisms for gay.

SE in slang uses

In compounds

Swedish culture (n.)

the use of rubber, PVC etc. in sex.

[UK]Solar Project ‘Zeitgest’ 🎵 on Time f[album] Group grope, bunch punch / Gang bang, daisy chain / Leg work, Swedish culture, S & M / We are shagging like wild rattlesnakes / We bang like the shithouse door in a gale.
Swedish fiddle (n.) [its popularity among Swedish immigrants]

(US) an accordion.

[US]Maledicta III:2 173: Swedish fiddle n Accordion.
Swedish headache (n.) [? a problem of Swedish immigrants]

(US) intense sexual frustration.

[US] (ref. to c.1932) K. Porter ‘Still More Ethnic and Place names as Derisive Adjectives’ Western Folklore XXV:1 39: Swedish headache. Abdominal pains resulting from frustrated sexual excitement [...] Boston, ca. 1932.
[US]Maledicta III:2 173: Swedish headache n [Porter 1932] Abdominal pains resulting from sexual excitement.
Swedish massage (n.) [the companionship and the sweating one experiences in a Swedish sauna bath]

masturbation or mutual masturbation.

[US]A.K. Shulman On the Stroll 133: Save your body; stick to Swedish massages (by hand), or French (by mouth), and only go Spanish (between the breasts), Russian (between the thighs), American (a body roll), or Danish (inside) if it’s worth the money.
[Aus]‘Thommo’ Dict. Aus. Swearing & Sex Sayings 127: SWEDISH MASSAGE — Tit fucking where the girl holds her tits together while the guy frantically rubs his penis between them until orgasm is achieved.